Top 10 programs on C: Operators

Ten C programs that demonstrate different operators in the C programming language are provided here: Arithmetic Operators: Relational Operators: Logical Operators: Bitwise Operators: Assignment Operators: Increment and Decrement Operators: Conditional Operator (Ternary Operator): Comma Operator: Sizeof Operator: Address and Indirection Operators: These programs demonstrate how several operators in the C programming language can be used … Read more

Top 10 programs on C: Storage Classes

Ten C programs that demonstrate how to use various storage classes in C programming are provided below: Auto Storage Class: shows the ‘auto’ storage class, which is rarely used directly and is instead the default for local variables. Static Storage Class: exemplifies the’static’ storage class, which keeps a variable’s value constant across function calls. Register … Read more

Top 10 programs on C: Data Types

Programming requires a wide range of data types, and C, with its efficiency and versatility, provides them all. For anyone who wants to become a programmer, understanding these data types is important. Here are eleven crucial C programmes that demonstrate how to use and manipulate various data types: 1.Integer Arithmetic (int): Integer arithmetic is demonstrated … Read more